There is a very interesting set of 17 videos - presentation Italian School - Feng Shui Architecture. It contains
Feng Shui, one of the five metaphysical knowledge of Wu Shu. The ancient origin of Feng Shui and following stratifications The term Feng Shui, what does the term Feng Shui hide? The modern paradigm of Feng Shui Architecture Deepening of the Earth Way. The real influence of a sensitive planning. Cases of study Conclusion of the Earth way and international projects. Deepening of the Sky Way and the Man Way Holistic Architecture etc Glass House (full version) Best Film on Architecture Directed, edited and co-produced by Chi Jang Yin. "Glass House" is an experimental documentary that examines the creative process of a contemporary American architect Thomas Roszak who built a home made from glass and concrete for his family. The glass house, as seen through the lens, becomes a site of interpretation, reflection, family dynamics and the complex multi-faceted perspectives of a project that is not simply transparent.
Crazy Transparent House In Japan!
The Glass House - this was my favorite living space for many years... I saw it first time in Pina movie \/