November month question for our readers: TELL US WHAT EYEBROW PRODUCTS (OR ANY TRICKS) YOU FAVOR AND WHY? The best answer will get the prize! Email your answer to win
When I use eye shadow, that is the colour I put onto my eyebrows as well. This helps me to be a little different from the usual black, as I do like the greys and even dark greens in my eyeshadow can make me look so different and feel like a little lift from the usual.
Julie Dargan RN, ND, BHSc
I use the brown shades of eye shadow for my eyebrows MN, artist
My switch to washing hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar was supposed to last only a month, but now I can't stop.It has been six months since I stopped using shampoo. It all started as a short experiment when my editor asked if I’d try the ‘no poo’ method just for the month of January. I agreed reluctantly, and together with Margaret Badore, dived headfirst into the world of extremely alternative hair care. Our experiment resulted in this post: “The No Shampoo Experiment.” While Margaret went cold turkey for a month, I continued to ‘wash’ my hair with baking soda and condition with apple cider vinegar.
I never dreamed I’d still be doing it at the beginning of July, but here I am, a staunch convert to the 'no poo' method with no intentions of going back. There are so many things I love about it, and this is what I tell people who are curious about my strange hair-washing habit.
There was almost no adjustment period for me, which I think is common for people with really thick hair, or hair that is washed no more than once or twice a week. The biggest hurdle for me was psychological and getting over the fleeting smell of salad dressing in the shower as I poured vinegar over my head. (Don’t worry – it dissipates immediately and there’s no residual odour.)
My hair is getting healthier and more manageable the longer I avoid shampoo. It gets less greasy and I can go longer between washes, usually 4-5 days. It is softer, shinier, and less frizzy than before. I have fewer bad hair days, and can get the natural, loose curls I like with just a bit of coconut oil rubbed into my damp hair.
There have been only two times that I used natural shampoo instead of soda and vinegar, and that was when I travelled to Honduras and Mexico for writing assignments this spring. Both times I thought it was better not to get questioned about a strange white powder in my luggage. I saw a big difference after washing with shampoo. My hair was drier and frizzier, and it looked greasy within two days. I also noticed that my scalp was itchier after using shampoo, perhaps because the natural oils were stripped away.
I love how the no ‘poo method fits in with my quest for Zero Waste living. In six months, I’ve gone through one cardboard box of baking soda and I’m only halfway through the same jar of vinegar. There are no empty plastic bottles of shampoo and conditioner to toss in the recycling bin, nor the accompanying host of hair care products that I relied on to tame my hair.
If the no ‘poo method has intrigued you for a while, why not give it a try? You might be pleasantly surprised at the result. Here is what I do:
Measure 2 tbsp baking soda into a 500 mL/1 pint glass jar. Wet hair. Fill jar with water and stir to dissolve baking soda. Pour over head and scrub into hair. Rinse. Measure 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar into same jar. Add water, pour over head, and rinse almost immediately.
(These amounts are for long hair. If yours is short to medium length, use 1 tbsp of baking soda and vinegar in 1 cup of water. If your hair doesn’t seem clean enough once it’s dried, use a bit more soda next time.)
12 Natural Remedies To Get Thicker Eyebrows source
Unmade eyebrows tend to hide the perfect features of a beautiful lady… especially since, time and again it has been said that eyebrows complete our facial looks. Rightly done eyebrows help us accentuate the desired appeal on the face. Depending on the facial structure, some would prefer to keep their eyebrows thick, while some would prefer it to be thin. However, when you go with deeper and thicker eyebrows, it will highlight the beauty of your face, thus giving you the freedom to shape them in a desired manner plus the required definition. And this is one of the reasons as to why most women crave for thicker eyebrows.
There was a time when pencil thin eye brows, which were neatly shaped, dominated the fashion industry. But now thick eyebrows are now back in vogue, and can be seen sported by a lot of women on fashion runways and silver screens. Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn and Jennifer Conelly are few of the hollywood actresses known to sport natural eyebrows, which also made them look gorgeous and young.
Lot of fashion makers say that ‘more natural the eyebrows reflects more beauty and youth’.
Let’s find out natural ways in which you can achieve thicker eyebrows, especially in a hassle free manner.
Natural remedies on how to make eyebrows thicker:Natural remedies to make thicker eyebrows are said to be effective, safe as they do not cause any side effects. To get more hair growth on your eyebrows, follow these simple tips:
1. Castor Oil: Castor oil is a very old and a tried and tested remedy to get thicker and prominent eyebrows. It is inexpensive and is easily available in the market.
All you need to do is take a little castor oil on your fingertips and apply directly on to your eyebrows. Leave this overnight and wash off in the morning. You can witness possible changes in about 3-4 weeks of time.
2. Vaseline: Vaseline brand owned Vaseline petroleum jelly is claimed to be effective in thickening of the eyebrows as it helps condition and moisturize the area, thus helping you keep your eyebrow hair straight and firm.
Take small amount of Vaseline petroleum jelly and apply on and around your eyebrow area 2-3 times every day. In a month’s time, you can see positive results, thus boosting your chances of enhancing your natural beauty.
3. Coconut Oil: Well known for its properties in boosting hair growth, Coconut oil for eye brows is yet another solution. This will help speed the hair growth on your eyebrows along with offering thick hair, which further will help you shape better.
Apply some coconut oil directly to your eyebrows and leave overnight for best results.
4. Onion Juice: Fresh onion juice, when applied on the eyebrows, will help stimulate new hair growth. Onions are high on sulfur, and are known to increase blood circulation in the area.
5. Vitamins: Vitamins are vital for hair growth. So, to make your eyebrows grow thick and fast, add lots of Vitamin A (sweet potatoes, carrots, lettuce, red pepper, etc.), Vitamin C (broccoli, oranges, lemons, strawberries etc.) and Vitamin E (peanuts, almonds, spinach, olives etc.) to your diet.
6. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera juice stimulates hair growth on the eyebrows. It gives a good shine to the eyebrow area with persistent application. Aloe vera nourishes hair follicles and boosts hair growth. It also restores and repairs the damage caused to the eyebrows due to over plucking or waxing.
7. Natural Oils: Natural oils are good for hair growth. Apart from aloe vera and castor oil, you can use essential oils of rose, lavender or lemon to make your eyebrows grow fast. A lemon slice or egg yolk can also help in eyebrow growth.
8. Water: Drinking more water flushes the system of toxins and other substances that may inhibit hair growth. Drink plenty of water every day to get luscious skin, silky hair and plump eyebrows!
9. Avoid Waxing And Plucking Eyebrows:Some people believe that eyebrows tend to grow faster when waxed or plucked. But it is a myth, as doing this worsens the condition of the hair follicles, preventing the eyebrows to grow back. Sparse or thin brows are the result of over plucking or waxing the brows. Leaving the brows untouched for a year, would help you to regain the actual brow shape.
10. Exfoliate The Skin:It is essential that you exfoliate your skin, which would help your brows grow faster. Exfoliating in circular motions helps in removing dead cells and increasing the blood circulation. Avoid scrubbing hard or applying too much pressure in the eyebrow area. For better results, exfoliate your brows with a baby brush, since it applies light pressure on the eyebrows.
11. Use Eyebrow Serum:Eyebrow serums have shown good results for some people. It works by stimulating the growth of hair follicles, resulting in healthy and fuller looking eyebrows. These serums are enriched with peptides, which helps in preventing breakage eyebrow hair. They also condition and strengthen the brow hairs. Eyelash serum also contains the same active ingredients present in brow serum. So you can use eyelash serum as an alternative, if you find brow serums out of your budget.
12. Eat Nourishing Food:As we all know, a good diet is essential for the health of the body—including eyebrows! Foods rich in omega 3, Vitamin B, iron, protein and zinc should be included in the everyday diet. Green leafy vegetables contain large amount of vitamins and minerals, so they should be taken regularly too. Vitamin supplements should also be taken to prevent deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.
Important Tips:
Sometimes, deficiency of Vitamins can hamper hair growth. So its beneficial to eat foods rich in Vitamins B, C, E and H (Biotin) or also to take multi-vitamin tablets/capsules after seeking doctor’s advice.
Avoid picture perfect threading of eyebrows, as it sometimes ruin the natural eyebrow shape.
If you have naturally thin eyebrows avoid shaping them. However, slight modifications are fine as long as they don’t play with the shape and width.
Any lotion or makeup, if applied on the eyebrows, tends to weaken them. Naturally, the tiny hairs tend to fall off or take a long time in growing back. It is best not to apply any lotion on the eyebrow, unless it is for hair growth.
Make sure that the shape of the eyebrows suits your face type, as there are different shapes that suit different face structures.
Also you sometimes can use eyebrow pencils to define your thin eyebrows.
Try avoiding accidental threading and plucking of the eyebrows as this could possibly reduce the hair growth in the area. So just incase it happens, make sure you apply almond, coconut or castor oil to get back the natural hair growth.
To fasten the growth of eyebrows, it is essential to avoid frequent brow makeup. Aggressive rubbing of eyebrows with brow pencil or use of brow dyes deteriorates the brow condition in the long run.
Some of these basic steps, when adapted in your daily routine, will help you keep your eyebrows natural, with excellent shape and texture, thus enhancing your beauty and glow.
Hope these tips will help you to achieve desired results.