something like Rrrrrussia - very close... WILD DECEMBER
one of the most beautiful and magical places I've ever seen on our planet (a miracle, out of this world illusion of four suns suddenly appearing in the sky and other unexpected visions, the freshest air, the place with endless space and time stopping landscapes ) : Yosemite national park - to fill in your spiritual cup Hubble Pointing at Nothing! WOW !
such stories make me cry... as a child i never had a chance to have animals at home. my son Misha changed it recently and i realised some years ago when Penny appeared here in our house that she is the same soul as we are just placed in a different body, not better not worse, just different: small and hairy, pawed and eared.... just different she taught me how to love unconditionally, the way she does... she might think, talk and act on a different plane but there is one common place where I meet her - through love looking inside her eyes and reading them and all she feels... this video is amazing: How Wolves Change Rivers
movie worth 5 minutes to watch TOUCH RUSSIA
What does it feel like to orbit planet Earth?
NASA | SDO: Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes
A Battle of Civilizations "The Planet Seeks Love"
Битва цивилизаций №3. "Планета хочет любить" |
I'm little but I am a great winner Earth Birth
a video showing the birth of our earth 13 billion 700 million years ago (13.700.000.000) when the universe was only a white dot in the dark and how our earth will be within 250 million years after Flying eagle point of view
NASA - Solar Dynamic Observatory
ocean as you have not seen it before
She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for.
Travel around Seville in 5 min and 30 sec
Stunning Video: Chillstep Dubstep Passing Time Mix
PLANET EARTH: Most Beautiful Places In The World
SYNTHESIS amazing underwater video
Dance with the Océan