don’t you sometimes look into the mirror and get a surprise at who is looking back at you? especially when it happens in your dream and you are awake then you can take any any image of your desire - forget any human shape - you can change your gender - and you can even become an angel, a monster or a plant... or you may see nothing there at all... mirrors are funny things indeed... we say we are all mirrors of each other - how does that work we can talk a bit later but for now... - i want to talk with you about physical / real mirrors covered with silver at the back framed or crocked they are magical objects indeed. remember in Taisha Abelar's book she writes: "Clocks are like mirrors, they measure the passage of time. They record the passage of time; and what is important is to reverse it..," and she could not find any in the house in Mexico that she visited. most of our clocks and mirrors in the house we got as presents from our friends or we were asked to put up by our guests and visitors... anyway long story short: all about MIRRORS...
We like to live in time, we like to monitor the events of life and their sequence. When you look in the mirror time stops, it reflects you here and now. That can be done without a mirror as mirrors reflect only the physical part of you... Why do you think there were no mirrors and clocks in that Taisha's visited house? Correct. Mirrors make us older. Clocks make us older too. I would say: let go of your current idea of age, aging, youth and what you can and can not do at certain age. It is senseless and it is projected on us by collective thought forms and social archetypes... and next time you look in the mirror by accident - choose in advance (just now) what you want to see and see it. The reflection is not real anyway as you are more than what you see there... Your thoughts on aging should be light and your feelings should be airy... unless you choose them not to be this way.
There are lots to say about mirrors from spiritual perspective... and my story is not getting any shorter as I promised... once again: MIRRORS...