NEPAL 2013 NEW Sergei Nagorski, our Canadian friend sent us some of his photos from Nepal (Nov 2013) I really like the photos of native people - they have such pure innocent faces without pretending or any masks we all keep wearing living in big cities and thinking we are someone else... there is one unpronounced beauty you can notice in one and very human photographed this way - please take a look...
publishing Alexey R photos of
SHEREGESH-Snowpro-2011, Tignes-Snowpro-2012 and Alpe d'Huez - Snowpro-2012
publishing Kristian R photos of Moscow, Tverskaya county (not far from Moscow), Moldova (with sunflowers) and Puschino (on Oka river close to Moscow)
Ilana M photos on Bali. when hotel guests are away moneys steal their food write from the window:
Antonina Montyanova photos. I am so glad that silver birches remind you of our Russia. Nostalgia is a light feeling - a dream about your mother-land. It should be like this. They are all photos of our daughter, Alyona. The river on the photos is called Nora. It is part of Volga river and my favourite silver birch grove at the river side. I also added some Volga river views (it is smaller at this part of the river, not so wide and there is no river navigation). There is also a small church on Volga river, some chickens, free range of course in the nettle. There is a goat in the meadow, a dragon-fly in the cane and a cow next to the fence. there are lots of fishermen on the riverside. Russian meadows, wide and beautiful... there is a beetle - a real grass decoration, ship passing by and Nora river with water lilies... .there are camomiles of course - you can not see Russian meadows without these flowers. They are outskirts of Yaroslavl city Norski region. Norski - is a very ancient region of Yaroslavl. There are so many churches there that were build in 12th century. Saint Russia's scent is very strong here...