how easy is it to understand… we often talk about complex matters but everything is next to us and the complex is very simple in reality and it is open to view – just need an eye of an un-obscured-observer. getting grounded is very important as an important part of us lives in this physical reality. like our friend and the only russian catholic priest in melbourne used to say: “poke your finger into the sky but don’t forget to fumble your palm on the ground” nowadays i keep asking my friends: we talk about universe, dna transformation, complex finsler anisotropic geometry postulates, human evolution and mind expansion. how about our everyday physical exercises, our water, our air and our food? how do we look after that part? we people who are often seeking magic need just to look closer to our feet, at the fallen leaves, at the nature, the trees and the landscapes or just see the flower gently opening in the glass on your working desk or a bullfinch in the snow meditatively pecking on bright orange hawthorn berries and observe the glory of its breathtaking image – this is a real magic next to you...
but i was always wondering how we connect the unseen and the physical. say music – it is just a row of mechanical notes the musician or the composer physically touching but the harmony he/she creates wakes up something sacred inside of us which we then project on the physical world by feeling closer to the source and acting from its rules.
“Music: If it has anything at all to do with life its mechanical, lacking ideas or associations. But it goes right to your soul. What chord in us responds to its harmonies? What gives us such pleasure, and unites us, and stirs us so? […] In the long run, everything has a meaning and a season.” “Stalker” movie by Andrei Tarkovski scenario quote on music
or take love. first we create an image, the feeling and we attach our thoughts to it and our understanding of god (ourselves) to it and then it materializes into a live child as final and ultimate love manifestation. i also believe that the stronger and the deeper your feelings the more beautiful and harmonical material image you will get at the end: physically, emotionally and mentally balanced child is an eventual expression of what we feel while we make love to our partner.
and it is always a blend of two (or multiple plains) – physical and spiritual. a poem gets created from nothingness, a feeling and an abstract image of this feeling like an energy. sometimes it is so powerful you can not resist to take a pen and try to describe at least some pale part of it… – you put it on a paper, the other people see it, read it and they get the feeling reflected in their souls as an image or just a simple sensation, sometimes even the aroma or a taste… the impression projected on the reader may turn into a kind deed or a simple smile directed to that person passing the reader by or sometimes it can turn into another creation: say a painting… so the reflection process might never end… and it will always be an exchange that works both ways, and all ways…
At the window of tomorrow I saw many a yesteryear. It was easy to see where we’d come In the intervening time– How we’d grown, and struggled, and triumphed Beyond the yesteryear was tomorrow’s future It wasn’t much different than today But a little more was added –A little more light– And in this way, we came to transcend And the yesteryears moved up slowly And the tomorrows moved down gradually They joined in the middle and spun around each other To become Heaven on Earth– The one we’ve been promised. Stuart Wilde
I was sent a message today that my most beloved teacher and spiritual guide Stuart Wilde has passed away.
Dear A-List,
World Renowned Author & Metaphysical Teacher Stuart Wilde Passes Away at Age 66
Friends & Family sadly announce the passing of globally respected Author & Metaphysical Teacher Stuart Wilde. Wilde suffered a fatal heart attack on a scenic drive through Ireland on Wednesday May 1st, 2013.
As Author of over 20 books (translated into 27 languages and selling millions of copies) on Spirituality & Personal Development, Wilde was considered by many to be one of the greatest metaphysicians that ever lived. Many famous New Age, New Thought writers & teachers privately studied with him including Deepak Chopra & Dr. Wayne Dyer.
“Stuart’s sudden departure from the physical realm was very shocking and millions of hearts worldwide will be weeping with despair over the loss of a great teacher, a great man, and a great friend. He touched the lives of so many people, and he will be greatly missed.” said Stuart Wilde spokesman Tom Lishman
In the 1980s, Wilde correctly described the etheric life-field around humans in precise detail. Previously, it was known only in vague terms in discussions about the human aura. Wilde wrote out the first of many precise and verifiable etheric exercises and sensations in his book The Quickening (Hay House 1988). In course of his 30+ years of teaching, Wilde appeared on over 500 Television Show & 10,000 Radio Programs including Coast To Coast AM.
“Stuart passionately taught about freedom, love & respect for all human beings and for deep respect of nature. He was a relentless animal rights advocate. Also, it’s important for people to know that Stuart never saw himself as being a guru or above anyone else. He believed that he was merely a mirror that reflected love & peace into the world and a facilitator of wisdom from realms of existence that one could refer to as heavenly.” said Tom.
Among Wilde’s teachings about love & peace, were his teachings about spiritual evolution, personal development insights, philosophies about where human beings really came from, and predictions about world events yet to come that he would regularly see in transcendental meditation. Throughout the course of Wilde’s life, hundreds of his predictions came true.
A private funeral service will be held for Wilde’s immediate family but, larger memorial gatherings are currently being planned for the general public later in the year. Updates will be posted on Stuart Wilde’s website –
Condolences to Stuart Wilde’s family and close friends can be emailed to: [email protected].
A foundation is under development to support his work.
All media interviews for Tom Lishman can be directed to [email protected]
from NM It is something like the work of a sculptor... The sculptor has a piece of stone and the figure which comes out of the stone already exists in the stone. The sculptor does not bring the figure from somewhere else. What does the sculptor do? With the help of a chisel, the sculptor makes one stroke here, one stroke there, and the nose comes up, then the ear, the mouth, the lips - it is like that. The sculptor removes the parts of the stone that are blocking the manifestation of the beautiful figure. The beautiful figure is in the imagination of the sculptor and according to that imagination the figure exists in the stone, only the unwanted parts of the stone have to be removed. You have to remove them and, therefore, that process of elimination is required to be done. What a master or a guide does is that he teaches you, like the teacher of a sculptor: “Strike here, not there - in this manner, softly, now with more force.” Gradually the beautiful figure hidden in the stone comes to the forefront. In the same way the Divine is hidden in everybody. You do not have to bring it from anywhere. By means of the chisel of your mind - particularly by what we know as the faculty of discrimination - the faculty which distinguishes between right and wrong - you have to eliminate the unwanted parts of your personality. and keep one thing it mind: it is OK to be wrong sometimes. You can not always be right as there is no such thing and it is all in the eyes of the observer...
We will also continue in advancing a set of exercises offered to you by the warrior women of Carlos Castaneda...
Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity Volume Three
These four exercises should be enough for you practicing in the next month Pass #9: Last Magical pass.
Pass #8: Continued...
NEW SET of exercises. Carlos Castaneda's Unbending Intent The First Group: Mashing Energy for Intent
The Second Group: Stirring Up Energy for Intent
I was actually thinking... as we had lots of talks last month about Out Of Body experiences with friends that I will publish some of the books that helped me some time ago on my journey of discovery new realms beyond the physical.
The book by Bob Petersonis published online - full version link.for you to start off. If you know a little bit about OBEs there is a link on how to have OBEs chapter. I found Bob's books very friendly and ambition-less written, very open and honest. Have a happy journey.