Amazing Pina. We expected anything but not that… Words are not spoken, the dance says it all: it is mysterious, inspiring, deeply unconventional and captivating. It was created by a group of Pina Bausch’s students as a tribute to her talent. Pina, a famous German dancer and choreographer died in 2009. Her students take turns to “talk” about her. I put “talk” in brackets because they do not talk – all the talk happens behind the camera, they keep silent while they are filmed. Her refusal to explain her in words is understandable – she could say more through dance. In Pina’s own words she “danced for love”. She is not there anymore but her presence is sensed in every move of her dancers, in their eyes as captured by camera… We also see extracts from her and her troupe’s pieces. The dancers express their memories of Pina performing solos or in pairs: refined and polished visuals; stylish, almost sculptural performances, the beautiful movements. It all happens on sand, on a cliff edge, under the waterfall, on the grass, in the carriage of a monorail. Bausch's company spans a considerable age range — teenages to 70 years old and all, admittedly, are in pretty fantastic physical condition. The 3D effect makes it even more spectacular as you feel part of the theater where the perfomance takes place. The soundtrack is amazing; we were captivated by the music of Jun Miyake in particular. For us it was fresh as we did not know anything about Pina before we watched the movie. For us it was a world of emotions, music and profound understanding of the Self. Immensly attractive film…