I thought I'd start our today;s articles with the words of Oriah Mountain Dreamer: "One day I realized that I could love someone & still decide to separate myself from them if our behavior together was repeatedly damaging each other. I did not have to try to stop loving the other. And if I love another, not because they earn my love with their actions, than this must also be true for those who love me. This isn’t a license to treat those who love us badly, but it helps us step off the endless treadmill of doing for others, trying to be what we think they want us to be, in an attempt to earn their love. It doesn’t work: we don't earn love."
~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer from The Invitation May we feel the grace of loving & being loved for who we are today.
We will talk about
learn to trust is important on this journey for you are bound to find
yourself in places and dimensions, facing experiences that are
unfamiliar. Of course to develop trust one has to become honorable and
trustworthy oneself.
To become trustworthy you have be selfless, for if you are still
egocentric and just aligned to your advancement, then your
trustworthiness will be transitory and brittle, for it will be based on
the ego’s whims and needs. Any time it suits the ego to act dishonestly
and to not keep it’s word and do the honorable thing, it will permit the
individual to wriggle out and run. No one admits to being a crook
upfront, you have to use your feelings and observe people’s energy to
see if they are sneaky, or beautiful and selfless.
When a person is selfless they will be big in their heart; sneaky
games and dishonesty will feel strange and so they will always do the
right thing, even if it is disadvantageous financially or
inconvenient.You learn to read people’s energy right and see if they are
a snake or not. You just touch them with your feelings, tapping I call
it.The snakes hide in the grass and crooks are devious and not
immediately obvious, and the sociopath has fine words to hide behind.
But a selfless person can’t hide their goodness, it is written on their
face. Common sense and logic offers a bit of help but it is all in the
feeling really. The egocentric sociopath will always act to benefit
himself or herself when push comes to shove.
Now, if a person lies about little things they will have a fractured
sense of honor, and their etheric will be ugly and bent out of shape,
and if they lie about little things they ALWAYS lie about big things as
well. There are never any exceptions to that rule.
So in developing trust you look first at the level of honesty in
others, then you look at the level in you. You have to be very precise
and truthful to make the grade and you can’t allow denial to drag you
away.The point is you learn to trust by letting down and becoming
vulnerable and trusting everyone. Learn to believe in them even if no
one else does. It makes you open and loving and it grants your
But there is another quirky part of this and that is if you are not
stingy or defending your assets, you open to receiving more. Defending
yourself is energy draining and a bit cold and ugly, in the warmth of an
open heart you remain safe and abundant and cared for and ripped off a
To become honourable so you feel safer you have to learn to be
precise. That requires a pristine accuracy in the way you talk and deal
with others, never lying or deliberately giving false impressions, or
overstating facts or understating them, nor manipulating facts to suit
yourself. You heed to a factual correctness at all times. And when facts
are hazy or unknown then you say so, letting people know that what you
are saying is speculation or unconfirmed and in that way you are
scrupulously correct and fair.
Deep inside you is where the trust develops and for that to happen
you have to be fair and just and forgiving, and you have to set aside
any inner feelings of vengeance. Trust and vengeance are linked. Very
few people ever admit to harboring a deep seated desire for vengeance
against other humans. So for example, a person that was born to very
poor parents in a deprived family may act out their vengeance on others
by hurting them and ripping them off.
A person that was sexually mistreated might take it out on an
innocent partner with anger and emotional abuse. The people that have
been powerless in the past might seek the vengeance of tormenting and
controlling others now. Men seek vengeance against women, for some
perceived emotional hurt in the past or because of a hatred for the
mother, and women do the same to men. You are not allowed to hate 3.25
billion men on this planet because your boyfriend let you down.
us say that you got ripped off by an Indian man of the Hindu , you
can’t hate those people or the Hindus because of it. That desire for
vengeance is deep within almost all people but they don’t see it. They
pretend they are trustworthy and normal but the hidden vengeance makes
you untrustworthy, and people will be suspicious of you as they can feel
the hidden danger of you. And also that darkness within makes you
unfairly suspicious of others. Because the danger of your potential
vengeance touches the other person’s hidden vengeance, as if the two
parabolas intersect, it has the effect of making both of you jumpy.
Vengeance is the nasty side of the shadow, only fairness and forgiveness
redeems you.
Vengeance is sold by the media, they promote a vile jingoism, which
is an abnormal zealous patriotism expressing itself in hostility towards
other countries. It is not the truth. It is ugly. We are all brothers
and sisters here. We are not allowed to harm people or hate them for we
usually know nothing of them or their karma. The less people you are
linked to karmically the freer you are. And in offering forgiveness you
become detached from ugly emotions and you become more celestial, as you
are saying you have no idea or judgement as to why a person acted as
they did, but you forgive them and love them anyway.
In the inner worlds you have to trust much of the time as peculiar
sensations come upon you and things happen that you have never seen
before. Feelings guide us through the hyperspace of the inner worlds and
while sometimes things might feel unusual if they don’t feel dark then
they are not usually dark.
When I went on the eight-hour journey through the tube to the void, I
had to agree to die to get across. I didn’t know if I was ever coming
back, or if I would ever see my loved ones again. So that is trust. A
trust that says I don’t know where I am going or if I will survive, but I
trust in the celestial and I am sure it will be fine, no matter where I
end up.
When you trust you open a door to Gaia and the eternal Tao, you enter
into a celestial grace that carries you along. When you are suspicious
or sneaky or when you lie consistently you remain in the Valley of the
Doomed that I’ve spoken of before, and you fall victim to whatever
greater evil might find you.
The Empire of the Snake has dominated this world for thousands of
years, but it is dying now and the ghouls are being wrapped up
bit-by-bit. Once the ghouls’ protection of dark humans falters, then
those humans will be stranded in the open, unprotected. That is why
trust and decency and honesty and preciseness are important, for you
don’t have to be perfect but you do have to be genuine in your
trust and perception are linked. If you operate from the idea that it
is all real, then that clears much of the confusion. As you trust what
you see it helps you but you have to be careful as the ghouls get in the
way sometimes, but that should not inhibit your overall trust, just use
your feelings if you are offered any visions that are odd.
Be selfless, get rid of vengeance, forgive everyone, and trust
yourself, no more self-doubt, and wait patiently with some humility in
the back corner of the ‘Dog and Duck’ and I’ll come and get you, or one
of the beings will come and get you. StuartWilde stuart wilde website