25/12/2011 found by Natasha M I thought today we could talk about positive affirmations to enhance your relationship - mainly love relationship. You should keep the following points in mind when writing or pronouncing your affirmations
1) Phrase them as if they are occurring in the now at this moment of life. Example. ‘I am confident. I am loved. I am feeling good about myself’. Remember the affirmations do not work if they are placed in the future. Example: "I will be positive and loving..." will not work as they are targeting the future as something that do not exist.
2) Phrase affirmations in terms of what you want rather than what you don’t want (meaning positive rather than negative). Example. ‘I am not a self-conscious person’ instead ‘I am becoming more and more confident, content and fulfilled’. The brain cannot evaluate ‘not self-conscious’ without thinking of being self-conscious. For instance, when someone tells you ‘Do not put peas in your ears’ What are you thinking of next? Also do not say ‘I have no self-doubt’ You get reminded of having self-doubt as "no" word is not remembered by your brain.
3) Do not give affirmations specific deadlines, for instance, ‘In three months time I will become a more confident person.’ Firstly, it might take more than 3 months to achieve that. Secondly, your unconscious mind might not want to work on your goal for now as it might have something else to achieve first - for your own benefit though.
4) Craft or pick affirmations to work on that resonate with you the most, at that particular point in time meaning NOW.
5) Remember, energy follows thought. Thought follows feeling. It is important that you put in your affirmation not the phrase: "I am love" but rather "I feel love" As noticed it works better this way
6) Many self help books recommend that affirmations are repeated out aloud hundreds of times each day. However, saying out loud has nowhere the same impact on your feelings and behaviors as hearing the same things inside your mind. If you are telling wonderful things on the outside, but hearing a critical, demoralizing voice on the inside telling you that you are fooling yourself, your internal voice's suggestions will win every time. To overcome this, it is best to do internal programming of affirmations at the alpha level of mind. Sometimes it is enough to say or write your affirmation only 10 times in the next two weeks and it will start working.
7) Affirmations are most powerful when combined with visualizations, in a meditative alpha state of mind. See yourself doing what you say and also FEEL it
I have set up and written many-many pages of affirmations for my friends, my husband and my kids. They WORK. But they work if you are open to receive them and you are persistent in what you do and you do not give up.
How to use relationship affirmations/love affirmations
You can never heal relationships by talking and thinking about how awful it is. Love affirmations help heal your relationship by turning your thoughts away from the problems and help create new thoughts that will produce a solution.
Relationship Affirmations/Love Affirmations
I see you clearly with the eyes of pure, unconditional love. I love what I see.
My marriage made in heaven is made manifest on earth.
The Holy God transforms my marriage into a joyous, intimate one.
Every day in every way our marriage is getting better, better and better.
My partner and I are very much in love with each other.
The Holy God perfectly aligns my partner and I physically, sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
I draw love and romance into my life and I accept it now.
My partner is loyal to me.
I am magnetic and irresistible to my partner.
I radiate pure, unconditional love towards my partner.
From time to time I ask my husband, "How can I love you more?"
I choose to see my husband clearly with the eyes of love and compassion, I love what I see.
Love happens! I release the desperate need for love. I release the need for my partner to approve of me. I allow love to find me easily and effortlessly.
Love is all around me. I feel everywhere. Joy fills my entire world.
I was born to learn to love myself more, and to share that love with people around me.
My partner is the love of my life and we adore each other.
I rejoice in the love I encounter everyday.
I now deserve love, romance, and joy--and all the blessings that life has to offer me.
Love is all there is!
Only love is real.
I radiate pure, unconditional love towards my partner.
I am safe in all my relationships. I am always treated well.
Long-lasting, loving relationships brighten my life.
I am very grateful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.
I am surrounded by love. All is well.
My heart is open to love. I speak loving words to my spouse.
I have a wonderful partner, and we are both happy and at peace.
I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens new possibilities.
There is no problem so big or so small, that it cannot be solved with love.
There is no problem so big or so small, that it cannot be solved by Jesus.
Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love. Holy God dwells in me.
I am in a joyous intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me.
My relationships are mirrors that show me myself.
I am now learning from all my relationships.
I laugh with my husband more and more each day.
My relationships are helping me to heal and love myself.
I am strong, vulnerable, and loving in my relationships.
I deserve love and sexual pleasure.
All is well in my marriage. Really.
I am now ready to accept a happy, fulfilling relationship.
I am now ready for my relationships to work.
I love myself and I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.
I am now attracting exactly the kind of relationship I want.
I am now divinely irresistible to my perfect mate.
All difficulties between me and ________ are now being healed.
The more I love myself, the more I love ___________.
I love ____________ and____________ loves me.
All of the changes in my marriage and life are positive. I am safe.
I am open to receiving love and to extending it.
I interact with my husband positively and joyfully more and more each day.
I/We remain focused on the big picture in our marriage.
Giving my husband unconditional love makes me feel energized.
I enjoy performing small acts of kindness for my husband. I love to see joy on his face.
I always keep a sense of humor about things in my marriage.
I am always centered and in present moment in my life and marriage.
I accept, respect, and enjoy our differences. Differences add interest and variety to my marriage.
I look for ways to contribute to my partner's growth and happiness. I support my partner in their goals unselfishly, knowing that it will make them happy.
I respect what my partner has to say. I listen to my partner with genuine interest. I offer empathy when appropriate.
I desire love, so I give my partner love. I desire respect, so I give my partner respect. I desire cooperation, so I give my partner cooperation. I desire compassion, so I give my partner compassion. I desire control, so I give my partner control!
For women:
I am feminine and full of grace.
I am feminine and receptive.
I possess great inner-strength.
I am fully receptive and appreciative for all the love that my partner showers upon me.
I release excessive control. I live and let live in my marriage.
I am receptive to my husband's romantic advances.
I greatly admire and respect my husband for all that he is.
I admire and respect my partner because ...
I verbalize my respect and admiration for my partner daily.
My feminine energy compliments and blends perfectly and beautifully with my partner's masculine energy.
My husband and I are aligned with God, more and more each day.
God is the source of love for me and my husband.
God is the source of abundance for me and my husband.
God heals our marriage thoroughly on all levels.
God dissolves all that is unlike love from our marriage.
Through this marriage, we are growing closer to God each day.
God blesses me and ________ with health, harmony and prosperity.
God fills me and ________with Divine Love and compassion.
We are filled with the light and love of God at all times.
We surrender all differences between us to God.
My husband and I fulfill Divine potential in our marriage for Thy Glory.
God heals all differences between me and my partner.
I interact with my partner from the level/heart of my Higher Self more and more each day.
I see and focus on our similarities more and more each day.
How easy it is to create a marriage made in heaven!
I trust that my marriage is in the safe, protective, loving arms of God.
I love my partner as God loves me.
We can do all things through God who strengthens us.
I trust the voice of God to guide me in all my actions and decisions.
God guides by letting me know when to talk and when to stop and listen. With God's help, I empathize with my partner's position easily. With God's help, I see things from my partner's point of view easily.
Our home is filled with beautiful loving energy. (visualize)
Our bedroom is filled with beautiful loving energy. (visualize)
Our bed is charged with the energy of love and romance. (visualize)
My energy harmonizes perfectly with that of my partner's and is filled with pure love when we are together.
Love and peace surrounds my husband and I at all times.
We are surrounded with romantic, loving energy when we are together.
My husband and I exude an inviting sense of heart, compassion and support towards each other. We intuitively feel safe, relaxed, wanting to get closer. We emanate a peaceful glow. We feel good around each other. We feel energized and optimistic when we are together.
Relationship Affirmations - Biblical Affirmations
Confession precedes possession. To produce results, hold steadfast to your affirmation/confession even in the face of contradicting sensory evidence.
Never a burden Jesus cannot bear. Never a sickness Jesus cannot cure. Never a problem Jesus cannot solve.
Jesus is aware of my problem. He will not leave me without a solution.
By His Stripes I am healed.By His Stripes, my marriage is healed.
I possess continual guidance for I confess "The Lord shall guide thee continually" Isaiah 58:11.
I possess the peace of God for I confess "The peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus our Lord" Philippians 4:7.
I possess freedom from fear for I confess "I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not" Isaiah 41:13.
I possess bountiful blessings financially for I confess "He which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully" 11 Corinthians 9:6.
I possess supernatural help in every situation for I confess "My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and' earth" Psalm 121:2.
I possess good for I confess "Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee" Job 22:21.
I possess the ability to be a positive blessing for I confess "So will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing" Zechariah 8:13.I possess wholesome, sound sleep at night for I confess "He giveth His beloved sleep" Psalm 127:2.
I possess as a woman of faith abounding blessings, for I confess "A faithful man shall abound with blessings" Proverbs 28:20.
I possess strength for my day for I confess "As thy days, so shall thy strength be" Deuteronomy 33:25.
I possess special honor from my Father for I confess "If any man serve Me, him will my Father honor" John 12:26.
Relationship Affirmations - Self Confidence/Self Esteem/Self Love
It is important to love yourself in a marriage, for when you love yourself it is easier to love someone else. Not only that, you also become very attractive and lovable to your partner.
It is hard to generate positive thoughts about your marriage if you can't generate positive thoughts about yourself. You can use self love affirmations to help you in this regard.
I am a radiant being, full of vitality, enjoying life to the fullest.
I am beautiful, and everybody loves me. I am greeted by love wherever I go. I am becoming more and more self-assured, calm and confident.
I love life and life loves me.
I am a beautiful being of light.
I look upon God, and the Divine within to be the source my happiness.
I love myself unconditionally for all my perfections and imperfections.
My inner light shines brilliantly from within me.
I am beautiful both on the inside and outside. The infinite love of Source is filling me.
I am acting from my Higher Self. I look in the mirror joyously and say "I love you. I really love you."
I release all past perceived wrongdoings of my husband. I release them with love. I honor who I am.
I see the world through eyes of love and acceptance. All is well in my world. I willingly release any need for struggle or suffering. I deserve all that is good.
I choose to be at peace with myself. I am choose to feel good about myself. I am worthy of my own love.
It does not matter what other people say or do. What matters most is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself.
I am wonderful, and I feel great. I am grateful. The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.
I love myself exactly as I am. I no longer wait to be perfect in order to love myself.
I am a creature unlike any other - truly unique and blessed.
I am irresistibly attractive to any man! Life supports me in every possible way.
I move through life knowing that I am Divinely protected and guided.
I can do all things through God who strengthens me.
I am a woman of substance.
Any man is lucky to have me!
Any man is lucky to have me because ...
I am a woman truly busy fulfilling my life purpose.
I see myself achieving great heights of success.
I see myself achieving ..., ..., ...
I am a truly remarkable women who had achieved ...., ..., ... (List all your successes no matter what they are!)
I love my life! Today is a wonderful day!
It's a fabulous day for singing a song!
I have abundance of self-assurance!
I attract miracles into my life now!
<Your name here> .... award winning scientist! <Replace with your own goals>
<Your name here> .... the woman of power!
<Your name here> .... empowering author extraordinaire! <Replace with your own goals>
"Your perception of me does not make it reality" - Anonymous
Forgiveness Affirmations
I am forgiving, loving, gentle, and kind, and I know that life loves me.
I forgive myself totally and unconditionally.
I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the very best way I know how. As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.
The door to my heart opens more as I forgive. I move through forgiveness to love.
The past is the past. The thoughts of this moment create my future. I love and accept my husband exactly as he is right now.
I move from forgiveness to understanding, and I have compassion for my husband.
I am ready to be healed. I am willing to forgive. All is well in my marriage.
I cannot change other people, my husband included. I let him be who he is and I simply love who I am.
It is now safe for me to release all past traumas and move into love.
I forgive and forget easily. Nobody is perfect.
Love Affirmations - Affirmations for the Heart
I deeply and truly love and approve of myself.
I am adequate at all times to do that which is required of me.
I love who I am.
I am willing to love everything about myself.
I trust in love.
I open my heart to love.
I forgive myself.
I forgive those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them to be.
I acknowledge my own loveliness.
I am pure, good, and innocent.
Love is the purpose of my life. Love is everywhere.
I open myself to the healing powers of love.
I follow the path of the heart.
The healing power of God's love heals my mind, heart and body.
Credit: - Louise Hay, “I can do it” - The Woman of Power, James Lee Valentine www.1lovespirit.com