Our skin is like putty. We are either shaping ourselves or drooping. We either keep ourselves moist and malleable or we are drying and hardening. Because of the forces in nature about us and in us, we must do one or the other. The skin is a barrier, effectively containing within its shell everything that is ourselves, and sealing out everything that is not. On the other hand, it is an open window, through which knowledge of the world around enters into our consciousness and structures our experience. The skin is an extended surface of the ear, and the ear is an extension of the brain.
Touch is the mother of all senses. Light touches the eyes and is changed into electrical impulse messages. Sound touches the ears; the fragrance of a rose floats and touches the nose. All is touch and all is converted into electricity for coding, the sending and understanding of input.
Just as the mind organises the body’s processes, touch of the body organises the mind. The touching of your body’s surface against external objects or rubbing parts of your body together produces the majority of sensory information used by your memory to assemble an accurate image of the body and to regulate its activities. You get a clearer picture as you make contact with matter outside yourself.
Your mind and your attitudes, along with physical purity or the lack of it, are reflected in the skin. Paling, flushing, goose flesh, cold shivers and sweating are all easily seen. Chronic anxiety, exhaustion and weak kidneys darken the skin under the eyes. Healthy circulation makes skin pink and warm. Liver failure makes it yellow and clammy. Lack of water can make it too dry or too oily. Rashes, bumps, pimples and boils show up as marks that signify internal conditions. Even freckles, moles and other marks that appear on specific locations on the skin can signify personality and character traits.
Touch on the skin can have a potent effect on one’s organs, circulation, moods and personalities. A soothing hand calms frightened animals or an injured child. A cool cloth can diminish a raging headache.
Touch is a mental and emotional food. Many suffer mental and emotional malnutrition from a lack of touch and especially deep, intimate touch. Few things heal as well as a mothers touch. Touch is a body need, just as air. Violence is most times a reaction to isolation from touch coupled with harsh verbal treatment. By stimulating the skin, you affect the marvellous and unique intelligence houses there. It in turn carries the message deep into the inner core of your being.
The life of every cell in the body depends on the proper functioning of the circulatory conduits running through it. Wherever these tubes are blocked, the internal seas stagnate and parts of us suffer or die. The skin is the principal shaper and supporter of this circulatory network that carries fluid-borne molecules that continually bathe the cells and keep them alive. Healthy and active muscles stretch and compress all of the body’s compartments and the cells they contain. In the same way, pressure and the manipulation of the skins surface can be effective deep within the interior of the living house.
Well. not only eating healthy is important... a healthy touch is needed by all of us...