Like that little cut on our finger. How miraculous. It heals itself!
Sometimes though - due to our carelessness - it festers, becomes infected and begins to give us pain.
Pain is our body’s signal to us that it needs help. With a cut finger the course of action is obvious. But what about tiny, invisible wounds that we can’t see, which are happening inside our bodies all the time? What do we do when a subtle message of pain appears?
Too many of us reach for the nearest chemical ‘pain reliever’, when we could be doing something better to support our health and healing. Sadly, because most people do not trust or know how to embrace "Self-Care", there are internal wounds festering and contributing to the ill health of millions of people around the world. And the vast majority of them will become customers (and victims) of the pharmaceutical industry.
A Fact of Life
Our bodies are being damaged inside, invisible and mercilessly, by toxic chemical reactions. Toxic chemical additives and hazardous wastes in our air, water and food supplies will continue to pervade our living and working environments. These toxins are returning to us in everything we eat, drink and breathe. Thankfully much of the internal damage they do heals automatically, like that cut on our finger. However when our body is not adequately nourished it can’t neutralize and expel these poisons fast enough. They build up in our body, and so does the invisible damage they do. Toxic build up can severely damage our immune system and lead to disease.
A Fast of Health
A body that is toxic is like a cut with dirt in it. It is contaminated and may not heal properly. It needs to be cleaned and given the nutrients it needs to detoxify and rebuild and heal itself. Many of us have already recognized the fact of life and have altered our lifestyles to avoid as many chemicals as possible. Some of us have also recognized this fact of health and are being more careful about nutrients that can help our body detox – and rebuild our immune system. To "FAST" means 'to make strong' and it is so often the answer to aiding your body in the healing and repair process.
Today it appears that our ancestors were right on the money when they noticed that the square of mint stems represented the lymph and immune systems. They marveled at how a 5-pointed star fruit matched the brain neurons and nerves. They noticed how the circles of citrus and a sliced carrot represented the cells, breasts and eyes. And they noticed that the equidistant cross of cruciferous (cross) foods like broccoli and cauliflower match the circulatory system, the 4-chambers of the heart and the arterial patterns that feed the head and brain. The list goes on and on.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Triggers & Prevention by Don Tolman
Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not easy and that’s exactly what any person with this condition will tell you.
This condition is also known as mucous colitis, spastic colon, spastic constipation and variations of these, but IBS is the preferred term these days.
Naturally, symptoms vary depending upon the person. However, even just having one of the following symptoms is likely to be at the least annoying and at worst, disabling.
The most common symptoms are:
Abdominal pain
Anxiety and/or depression
Erratic bowel movements or diarrhea
Headache, fatigue, and/or impaired concentration
Nausea or weight loss
Common triggers for IBS are:
Refined breads and cereals
Refined foods such as chips and cookies
Drinks such as coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol
High animal protein diets
The direct cause:
Eating too many foods that have little or no fiber, not walking enough, taking too many laxatives, not drinking enough water and not getting enough of what is considered “good” sleep.
Synthetic, hydrogenated animal fats are a common cause of IBS flare-ups.
This is due to the fact that the bowel normally contracts following a meal high
in fat. These normal contractions can be extremely painful in people with IBS.
Therefore, it is usually easier for the body to handle several small
meals throughout the day rather than two or three big meals.
What can i do?
Proper hydration is absolutely crucial, drink 1 litre of
water for every 22kilos of body weight, daily.
Liquorice root can help relieve irritation of the bowel due to
the fact that it is a natural soothing and coating agent.
People with IBS are able to eliminate all or most of their symptoms simply by adding
peppermint oil to warm water and drinking it. Peppermint tea
can also be very effective.
Psyllium seeds are very high in fiber, and have been shown
to help relieve the pain of IBS, as well as the diarrhea and constipation that
may accompany it.
A Colon Cleanse will ensure your internal pipes (small
& large intestine) are cleared out of any dis-ease and allows for maximum
nutrient absorption. You should aim to do a colon cleanse every quarter.
Also, drink (or add raw to wholegrain bread) 1 shot glass of Extra
Virgin Olive Oil per day.
When I fully contemplate the magic of our human body I am
often filled with awe and wonder.
Take the brain for example, the outer surface of the brain
is made up of around 20 billion cells.
It’s interesting, there appears to be as many stars in our
galaxy as there are neurons in our brain.
It’s almost as if we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.
3 Weight Loss Essentialsby Don
1. Clean Your House (your colon) When your colon is clogged or unclean, your body may not properly digest and
absorb nutrients or rid your body of waste effectively (Toxicity and deficiency
are the only two causes of disease and cleaning your House/Body is the most
precious health activity you can perform).
This lack of nutrient absorption and waste build up can put extra strain on
your detoxifying organs and make you gain weight! Not to mention also
impairing digestion and stressing all of the body's systems.
One major benefit of a Colon Cleanse is the fact that you are flushing out
your insides without adding anything extra to your digestive system. Your
intestines are full of waste matter (10-20 pounds in some cases) that is causing
extra weight and making your belly look bigger. In order to lose weight, you
will find that giving your intestines a good scrub can make your tummy look
flatter and reduce the amount of weight in your intestines.
The fact that you are emptying your body without refilling it contributes to
keeping the weight off - for good!
The second benefit of cleansing your colon is the fact that all of the
toxins that are stored in your body are being flushed out. These toxins are
causing your body to retain water, which in turn causes it to retain fat. In
order to keep your body functioning properly, it is vital to flush out these
toxins that retain water. These same toxins also hinder your efforts to lose
fat as they cause your body to run at less than optimum level.
By flushing out the toxins, you give your body a fighting chance at losing
weight effectively and permanently.
2. Eat loads of Fibre + Drink loads
of Water (not one without the other) Whole food fibers and water are weight loss essentials (+ side effects
include; supple skin, healthy kidneys, optimum digestion etc)
Did you know that Fifty loaves of white bread doesn’t provide enough fiber
to meet the suggested daily requirements yet one apple does.
Fiber = Transit Time. Transit time refers to how long it takes something you eat to travel from your mouth the front door through your stomach, to the small intestines and then on into the colon or large intestines and on out the back door. It is common for an average person to experience a transit time of three days to two weeks for meals to exit even though most of those persons studied were experiencing two or three bowel discharges daily. The discharges were meals consumed on average of four to six days earlier. Many doctors in their ignorance believe this is natural. It’s not natural!
Transit Time - Tell the Truthful Tale. In observation of long-living cultures, the average transit time is from four to eight hours! The longer waste materials stay trapped in the colon, the greater risk for various potentially harmful situations like the decaying of food internally.
Fiber is essential for Fabulous Physical Health. There should be no doubt about the relationship between health in the intestinal tract and health in the rest of the body. Intestinal management is probably the most important thing a person can learn in a health building routine. Some of the most important functions of life take place in the intestines. Through the intestines, worn out cells are eliminated and new cell structures having their beginning.
Fiber is the secret of all long living people. Now you can put this powerful health and life extension program to work for you.
Although we all strive for healthy balance, certain undesirable elements such as stress and an improper diet continually seep into our lives. Fibers and water were designed to aid our digestive process by providing healthy elimination of the harmful bacteria, pesticides, chemical additives and spent antibiotics that may be causing poor absorption or intestinal discomfort in our colons.
Never forget that eating more fiber means drinking more water. DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!! 1 litre of fresh clean water for every 22 kilos of body weight per day - minimum! For example for you weigh 90 kilos, that's 4 litres per day.
3. Get Moving Let me first say I am NOT talking about climbing Mt Everest, lifting weights like Hulk Hogan or buying some of those scary looking exercise tights (unless you want to of course)
I know that exercise is not the easiest habit for a lot of people, and most people’s experiences consist of starting and stopping and starting again. Which is fine — don’t beat yourself up about it. The important thing is you move.
Talk a walk everyday, 45 minutes is great - if you can go longer brilliant, do it. But the message is; do not stress yourself over it, enjoy your walk, smile and say hello to people.
If you are feeling adventurous why not try something new like yoga, tennis, pilate's or a dance class - It should be fun and enjoyable, otherwise - what's the point?
Imagine a pipe accumulating years of interior build up causing a narrowing of its original diameter.
Well, this is pretty much what happens to your colon over time resulting in more force required to eliminate number 2's
Little effort should be exerted while eliminating.
If you are straining it's because your colon’s walls are lined with debris. “Straining” is indicative of a blocked colon.
Because a blocked colon leaves food behind to rot in the digestive tract, the final process of digestion is not completed. Bacteria and toxins, called candida albicans, will take place because of the rotting debris.
Undigested food in the colon contributes to a multitude of diseases like colon cancer.
Autopsies of people with colon cancer often times died with more than 40 pounds of undigested rotted food in their colon.
Compacted rotting food along the entire length of the digestive tract helps to form mucoid plaque.
But here's the thing, this plaque forms in the intestine which continues to produce mucous as a normal response to the undigested food.
Food is not supposed to just sit there and rot. Instead, our body is designed to store three meals at any given time, although most people are storing six to twelve meals!
The mucous is not powerful enough to move the toxic, enzyme-free sludge left behind from fake, chemical-laced and high-processed foods.
More and more mucous is produced as your body’s natural defense mechanism. This causes the colon to grow in diameter and create the appearance of belly fat.
So, if you are doing dozens of crunches and other “ab work” and can’t seem to lose the belly fat, it’s probable that you have undigested food rotting in your colon!
Here's the good news.
Doing a colon cleanse every quarter and increasing your fibre intake is a great way to prevent blockages. Foods like broccoli, beans, spinach & apples will help 'get things moving'.
Folks its not that difficult to understand, in fact this is stuff we learned about in grade school or is it the noises from the mediKILL establishment being so loud we can’t think clearly?