What to add in your diet? Fruit. They cleanse the body from toxins, they are digested easily, they contain lots of vitamins, minerals and ferments. But eat your fruit always separately from the other foods, never combine them with proteins, carbohydrates and fats, because fruit require less time to digest but with the other foods mixed your stomach might get distressed. Avoid commercial juices! They contain lots of sugar... And how could you eat 5 oranges at once? But this the exact amount of oranges in one glass of orange juice... and five, yes, five table spoons of sugar! ... and well, no fiber! Add some stabilizers and flavors to this and the picture will be complete! There is an interesting fact of life. Only home pets get cancer but not the animals that live in the wild. This happens when they start eating leftovers from humans. Meat is digested very slowly. This way the toxins remain in your body even longer. Cut off the meat in your diet and replace it with game, poultry and fish. You will feel the difference straight away.
Do you know that 60% of digestion happens in your mouth. The rest is just the way to your stomach and your bowl. Ferments in your mouth play the most important role in food digestion. Chew our food well before you swallow. It helps digestion and prevents toxins accumulating in your body. the food which was not chewed properly makes your digestive system to work harder. the majority of food does not get digested at all! If you follow the simple rule ad chew your food properly you will start feeling better, lighter and you will have more energy. There is also one simple rule: never eat your proteins with carbohydrates. Try to eat the separately. It is better to eat your proteins worth salads and vegetables as the ferments that are used in digestion these foods are the same.