Oxygen and your lymphatic system There are 4 times more lymph than blood in your body. Your lymphatic knots are like small rubbish bins that collect toxins delivered in there by white blood cells (or your immune system). If your lymph does not move the lymph knots get swollen. Lymphatic system is the most important in your body. If it does not work well - your body gets sick and if your lymphatic system stops working you can die in 24 hours.
Deep breath helps to move the toxins from one lymphatic knot to the other; it helps white blood cells to get rid of toxins. If it does not happen toxins get into your blood stream. Breathing deep helps to activate lymphatic vessels and get rid of toxins, dead cells and water. The centre of lymphatic system is located in the centre of our body - body plexus. To avoid depression - the best exercise is to breathe deeply. 10-12 deep breaths and your headache is gone too!