Some people think that loosing weight - it is all about your will power. Nevertheless most psychologists do not agree with this view at all. they believe that motivaion is the only factor for you to get rid of these extra pounds.
Motivation is yoru fuel to achieve your goal and get nice and slim.
Today we will talk about
How to find motivation and what to remember
Before you start on yor loosing weight routine you should ask your self a very simple question: why do I need to do it? If you can not find the answer straight away, we will help you...You battle for a better shaped body wil be won if
- you know why you do it and you define your motivation - you are absolutely sure that your target is achievable
There are some advices:
1. Write down the reason taht made you think you must loose weight. Be specific and do not write down: "I want to look slim". Try to ask yourself a question: why is it important for you? What is going to change in my life after I loose weight? When you are done put your list aside and ask yourself: is it really important to you? Were you truthful to yourself? If you replied to these questons go ahead with the next step...
2. Remember the situation when you wanted to do something important and you were not sure it was achievable. You had obstacles but you managed to overcome them. You believed in your inner strength and in the importance of your target.
3. Just imagine yourself and your life in about 5 years. Consider two roads in front of you: no dieting at all and after you completed your goal. Your weight will go up year after year on the first road because you will not change your eating habbits and your metabolism will slow down with years. Imagine what you do day after day, hour after hour in details.
Feel what you would feel, see your relatinship with other people Do the same for the second road of your choice. Compare the two roads and answer one question: does your efforts worth going the road that you are about to choose?
4. Review your list and see if you have there the words like: "must", "have to". If you have such qords change them to "want" and "prefer".
5. Sometime we think we have to do something. When you pronounce: "I must" psychologists think that your positive resul will fail. The thing is when you start using such words the weight loosing turns into a must-do routine like some sort of liitation or punishment. Your will power will start to subotage it sooner of later.
6. Define your target. If you want to loose pounds define exactly how many. the target needs to be achievable: say, like 15kg off in one month is a tough target and probably you will fail. make your targets small but achievable. In this case the victory will be your next step motivation to go all the way.